Correct Sitting Posture

1. Keep arch in lower back.
By simply keeping the arch in the lower back the rest of the spine is in alignment above it, therefore putting far less stress on muscles and joints of the upper back and neck. A common reason for this is not putting your bottom right to the back of seat when you first sit down in a chair. This will force your lower back to slump in the chair after period of time.
2. Bring the keyboard and mouse closer to you.
It is ideal to have your elbows close to your body and bent to approximately 90 degrees. If the keyboard and mouse are away from your body you are forced to stretch out your arms putting more strain on shoulders and your chin will poke forward, jamming up the joints at the top of the neck. This will result in a generally slumped posture.
3. Have the top of the computer screen at eye level.
This will ensure that your neck is in the correct alignment and the muscles on your shoulders are relaxed. Simply putting a few books under the monitor stand will easily bring it up to the correct height. Laptops can be a problem as you can’t separate the keyboard and screen. If you find yourself spending a long time on a laptop it is best to buy a separate keyboard (approx. $20-$30) and put the laptop on a stand or a few books.
4. Tablets and Phones.
These days we are spending more and more time on tablets and phones which can course many problems with neck and back. The main issue is when the device is held too low and the neck flexes forward to look down at it. With the full weight of the head in front of the body, there is excessive load transferred the muscles and joints of the neck and back. The easiest way to overcome this is to hold the device at about chest height rather than in your lap. We you are looking down at the screen tilt your neck forward from the top part of your neck. This way, your head will still be balanced on top of your neck.
Brad Hart
Physiotherapist and Partner at MTM Physio Glengarry

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