Headaches and Neck Pain

Headaches are a very common ailment affecting our society in this day and age. There are many categories of headache with some of the most common being Cervicogenic (originating in the neck), migraine, cluster and tension headaches. Physiotherapists are trained to assess and diagnose these headache types based on how the symptoms present, what aggravates and what eases the symptom and many other factors.
With the increasing reliance on computers, and the advent of tablets and smart phones the neck is increasingly under postural strain. These postural stresses can load the spine and surrounding muscles in abnormal ways and cause neck pain and headaches. The Physiotherapists at MTM Physiotherapy Glengarry are well equipped to help you identify the problems at their source and to clear up your headaches and neck pain.
If this sounds like you then call our highly experienced team and make a step towards a clearer head!
Andrew Stanford, March 2013

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